Dhani Miller


ArrangerDhani Miller was born in Scotland. He moved to the United Arab Emirates, where he spent the next 17 years of his life.

Between 1994 and 2009, he attended The British School Al Khubairat. While he was in the UAE, he joined and played with the UAE Philharmonic Orchestra and then the Abu Dhabi Big Band. He then returned to the UK in 2009 and lived in Manchester, while attending the University of Salford. He graduated from here in 2012 with a bachelor’s degree with Honours in Music. He continued on at Salford and in 2014, was awarded a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Music Performance. While at university, he studied the cornet and also the art of conducting.

In addition to this, Dhani gained skills in arranging music and composition. In 2014, he arranged Abide With Me and a year later, An Irish Blessing.

In 2013, he was appointed as the Musical Director for the Rivington & Adlington Band in the north west of England. Alongside this, he offered private tuition of brass instruments.

Between 2014 and 2015, he was an instrument tutor at the Music Hub in the UAE. He taught children and adults how to play brass instruments, as well as aural skills and musical theory. He has also organised concerts and travelled round other schools giving presentations and workshops.

Dhani Miller now resides in Falkirk in Scotland, where is continues to compose, arrange and perform.