Submit your Book

Although our primary business is sheet music publishing, we are exceptionally keen to develop our range of books in all areas of music non-fiction, be it academic/educational, opinion pieces, biographical, irreverent or journalistic.

If you are interested in writing a book, you don't need to write the whole thing first. We don't even need a chapter; you can approach us with an idea alone and we will put in serious consideration to make an offer to publish. In this respect, we can also help you along the writing process, offering advice and guidance where necessary.

If you have an idea for a book, we want to hear about it today! You can send your idea (and/or complete manuscripts or chapters) to who heads up our Artist Relations.

Please see the FAQ below to help you get started:

  • Do you offer an advance?
    Generally, no. In exceptional circumstances, we may offer a small advance. If you require advance, please detail this in your submission.

  • What royalty rate do you pay?
    We pay a flat 25% royalty of the receipts. Reported and paid quarterly.

  • How long does it take to receive a decision?
    We aim to let you know within 1 week, but will never be longer than 4 weeks. If you have not heard from us after this time, you should assume we are not taking your book or idea any further.

  • I've not written a book but really want to write one and don't know where to start. Can I still submit?
    Yes! We appreciate that you may not be a seasoned author but we also appreciate you may have a great idea and a great way to tell it. Even if you don't think you could sit and write a book, you might be surprised what you can achieve with the right guidance and support.

  • How many books or ideas can I submit?
    It is best only to present one book or idea at a time. This will allow you to focus your idea and make it the best it can be, rather than spreading your talent thin with numerous ideas that are not well considered. Even if your book is not taken into publication, keep sending us your ideas and manuscripts; you never know when one might hit with us!

  • My book is published elsewhere, can I still submit it?
    Generally, if your book is published by another publisher, we would not be able to pursue it any further unless there was cause to act lawfully in obtaining the rights on your behalf, such as lack of (or an expired) contract, or an out of print status, etc.