
This page lists and documents all available public APIs, for use in your projects, apps and websites. Each API call is documented below, and output is provided in JSON. Please use and call the APIs with a degree of commonsense and fair use. There is no need to call the APIs excessively.

Product Catalogue (legacy)

Please note this is a legacy API and is currently not reachable. It is noted here temporarily for information purposes only. A new range of APIs will be deployed shortly.


Fetches all active products available from Devilish Publishing. Provides a more robust and accurate alternative than web crawlers. Ensures you have the most up-to-date information across the entire Devilish Publishing product range.

API call example using CURL

curl -H "Accept: application/json"


Overview of the schema output supplied.

Schema Description Data Type
name Title of product. str
sku Stock Keeping Unit. str
price Current price of the product in GBP (£). This is the RRP, without any discounts applied. float
discount Current discount offered on the product in GBP (£) float
barcode ISMN/ISBN/EAN code str
composer_name Name of composer (if supplied) str
arranger_name Name of arranger (if applicable) str
author_name Name of author (if supplied). Most often supplied on book products. str
producer_name Name of producer (if supplied). Most often supplied on playalong products str
category Base product category str
reward_points Current amount of reward points awarded, only if purchased direct from Devilish Publishing. int
tiny_description Approved description content for use by 3rd parties. str
purchasing_disabled If true, product is active and live on the Devilish Publishing, but purchasing has been disabled. Therefore this product can be seen but not added to cart. False is the default value for a live product which can be purchased. bool
new_release If true, this product is one of the new releases of the Devilish Publishing release calendar. This calendar runs from Feb-Feb bool
latest_release If true, this product is released in the very latest release date (end of Feb, end of Jun, end of Oct). bool
last_updated Timestamp when product was last updated. Supplied as 'YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss ms:Z' tim
url Full canonical URL of the product. str

Request Types

This API only accepts GET requests.

Example Output

    "name":"After Hours",
    "composer_name": "Patrick Bouchard",