
Listed below is the composers, arrangers, producers and writers on board with Devilish Publishing. Press on an artist to learn more about them and gain access to their website, social networking and other professional channels.

We create artist pages for many other musical artists, either because they are associated with our products or they are artists of particular interest. Click here to view a list of all artist pages we have.

Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Jonathan Bates here. Something has gone wrong!
Jonathan Bates


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of  here. Something has gone wrong!
Patrick Bouchard


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of  here. Something has gone wrong!
Richard Chiandusse


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Peter Clarke here. Something has gone wrong!
Peter Clarke


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of  here. Something has gone wrong!
Frank Culross


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Paul de Stexhe here. Something has gone wrong!
Paul de Stexhe


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of David Gibble here. Something has gone wrong!
David Gibble


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Bronco Hutchings here. Something has gone wrong!
Bronco Hutchings


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Magnus Hylander here. Something has gone wrong!
Magnus Hylander


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Thomas Juzwiak here. Something has gone wrong!
Thomas Juzwiak


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of  here. Something has gone wrong!
Mike Kempster


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Simon Kerwin here. Something has gone wrong!
Simon Kerwin


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Mike Lyons here. Something has gone wrong!
Mike Lyons


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of James McFadyen here. Something has gone wrong!
James McFadyen


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Alex McGee here. Something has gone wrong!
Alex McGee


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Dhani Miller here. Something has gone wrong!
Dhani Miller


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Edward Mylechreest here. Something has gone wrong!
Edward Mylechreest


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Rodney Newton here. Something has gone wrong!
Rodney Newton


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Peter Roberts here. Something has gone wrong!
Peter Roberts

Soprano Cornet

Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Naomi Styles here. Something has gone wrong!
Naomi Styles


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Martyn Thomas here. Something has gone wrong!
Martyn Thomas


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Chris Thompson here. Something has gone wrong!
Chris Thompson


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Marcus Venables here. Something has gone wrong!
Marcus Venables


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Ruud Vermeij here. Something has gone wrong!
Ruud Vermeij


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Tim Wheeler here. Something has gone wrong!
Tim Wheeler


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Aaron Wolfe here. Something has gone wrong!
Aaron Wolfe


Sorry, you're supposed to see an image of Tony Zilincik here. Something has gone wrong!
Tony Zilincik

Composer & Arranger